Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Holocaust

It seems like every year in school we learn about the holocaust, about what lives were like in the concentration camps, about the Nazi and about the hate and discrimination going on in certain countries at the time. But to me, it seems like no one is ever going to fully understand and be able comprehend the events of WWII unless you were there. Every year they give us statistics of who all died and was involved but when I hear those things, they're just numbers to me. I think of one person's life going living in a concentration camp, one life living in hiding, or one life staring at the faces of sick and dieing people and not caring about them at all simply because of what they look like or what they believe in and it's hard to wrap my head around that. So for us to understand what it really means for millions of people to have gone threw that, I don't think we'll ever understand. Each person who lived in that time period has a story lost in the years that have gone by since then, and there is no way they will all ever be known, and it seems to me like that is the saddest part about the war.

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